Activities for Homeschoolers: 45 Unique Ideas

One of the most fun parts of being a homeschooling parent is creating fun learning experiences for your kiddos! In this post, we share our favorite at-home activities and online resources.

Emily Veno
September 6, 2023
“Homeschooling has been a great fit for us and has allowed our kids to explore their passions in a learner-centered environment at home. As they’ve gotten older, they are each looking for more community and academic interaction through their learning.”

-Quote from Prisma family

Homeschooling Takes Many Forms

What does it mean to be a “homeschooler”? For many people, that word conjures up an image of siblings sitting around a kitchen table, while a parent (likely a mom) teaches traditional academic subjects to them from a workbook. This stereotypical image also comes with stereotypical assumptions: that homeschooled kids lack socialization, that homeschool parents want to overly shelter their children, that homeschool learners won’t be prepared academically for high school or college.

Twenty years ago, this stereotype might have held some truth. However, with today's technological advancements (spurred on by the pandemic that led many families to explore new educational methods) homeschooling has never been more common, or more diverse.

The “homeschooling” families we meet at Prisma may do any combination of the following:

  1. Follow homeschool curriculum: Although many families do still follow a curriculum, there are endless approaches available. Do you want a comprehensive curriculum covering all subjects, or to choose a different curriculum for each subject (check out our math and science curriculum guides)? Do you want paper, digital, or a mix? Do you want a traditional approach similar to public school or something more personalized?
  2. Participate in co-ops or microschools: “Homeschooling” doesn’t need to be an isolating learning experience. Many homeschooling families choose to sign up for (or create!) in-person homeschool groups (often known as co-ops) or register for “microschools” (very small groups of learners taught by a teacher, often in a home or small learning center, rather than a traditional school). Some co-ops or microschools meet every day, and others once a week or less. Some cover all subjects, and others specialize. Google and Facebook groups can help you find such opportunities in your area. We also recommend KaiPod microschools (some families do both Prisma and KaiPod!).
  3. Unschooling: Many families are inspired to homeschool because they’ve noticed their child learns better when they can follow their interests, go at their own pace, and spend more time just being a kid. “Unschoolers” take this philosophy a step further: they believe traditional schooling forces kids to learn knowledge and skills that either aren’t that important or that the child isn’t yet ready to absorb. So, instead of following a traditional curriculum, unschooling families encourage their child to learn what they like. We recommend the work of Blake Boles if you are interested in unschooling!
  4. Worldschooling: Some families choose homeschooling because traditional school isn’t flexible enough to accommodate an adventurous lifestyle! “Worldschooling” families are often “digital nomads,” traveling while parents work remotely. Some worldschooling families bring traditional homeschool curriculum with them, and others enroll in an online program. We have many worldschoolers at Prisma. Check out our guide to worldschooling here!
  5. Virtual schooling: Post-pandemic, there are more options than ever for home education without being your child’s teacher. Many states have public school options available online (though these programs vary widely in quality and tend toward dry, traditional curriculum). There are also a range of online private schools available, including Prisma. Prisma blends the best parts of homeschooling (personalization, flexibility, and hands-on learning) with regular schooling (support from professional educators, comprehensive curriculum, and a supportive peer community).

Whatever form your homeschooling takes, you might be looking for additional homeschool activities to add your arsenal. Plus, one of the most fun parts of being a homeschool parent is creating fun learning opportunities for your kiddos! In the rest of this post, we’ll list some of our favorite at-home activities from the Prisma curriculum and the best homeschool resources on the Internet.

At-Home Activities for Homeschoolers

Science Experiments

Create a classic volcano with baking soda and vinegar, make slime, or try another experiment. There are many simple and fun hands-on experiments you can do with household items. We recommend aligning your experiments to what your child is learning in science at this point in the school year. So, instead of searching Google for “at-home science experiments” only, add the topic at the end: “at-home experiments to teach erosion.”

Cooking & Baking

Use cooking as a fun way to teach measurements, chemical reactions (like we did in the Prisma theme Food Lab), and even history by cooking dishes from different cultures (like we did in the Prisma theme United Nations). Or, simply to teach a useful life skill! Tons of kid-friendly recipes can be found on Pinterest, or, try following a video tutorial. This is a popular cookbook for kids available on Amazon.

Reading Aloud

Choose a book and read aloud together. Don’t think this is just for younger children! Discuss the plot, characters, and themes. With older kids, we find the best books to read aloud are ones that are told from the perspectives of multiple characters. Each reader can choose a character, and always read when the story switches to that character’s perspective. You might also try reading plays out loud, each taking on a character.

Creative Writing

Start a story chain where one person begins a story, and each person adds on, or try writing poems or short stories. Prisma learners have loved writing prompts like: write a poem about what you can see in your backyard, write “fan faction” about a favorite story or character, or write a critical review of a new video game. Find more ideas in our guide to writing prompts for middle schoolers.

DIY Craft Projects

Use recyclables or household items to create art. For instance, create a collage of cut-out magazine pictures that represent a specific theme or topic. Or, try an “Upcycling” project like Prisma learners did in our Remix theme. They redesigned an old, broken, or no longer used object into an item with a totally new purpose. We also love using the Instructables website for easy-to-follow crafts and design projects.

Puzzles & Games

Tackle a challenging jigsaw puzzle. This helps with concentration, patience, and spatial reasoning. Or, play educational board games that foster learning, like Scrabble (spelling), Wingspan (biology), or Oceans (ecosystems). You can also have your learner design their own board games! Here’s a guide from PBS.

DIY Escape Room

Create an escape room challenge with educational puzzles and clues. This can be tailored to what your children are learning. Here’s a more detailed guide to pulling this off!

Historical Reenactment

Research a historical event and reenact it. This can be as simple as a conversation between historical figures or as complex as a mini-play. In our Hidden Histories theme, learners researched either the American Revolution, Civil War, or Great Depression, and then either wrote a play, made a portrait gallery, or designed a new monument to represent a lesser-known story from that era.

Build Stuff!

Use blankets and furniture to build a reading or activity fort, then learn inside it. Everything is more fun in a fort! Or, use Lego, clay, or other building tools to build creations based on what you are learning. Prisma learners have designed their own cities & buildings as part of our Cities of the Future theme. Check out the PBS Design Squad website for some of our favorite building prompts.


This traditional Japanese art of paper folding can teach geometry, precision, and patience. Here are some great guides to learning origami with homeschool students at home.

Documentary Marathon

Watch educational documentaries on topics of interest. Discuss and analyze afterward. Many documentaries have educational materials available online to use to help guide your discussion. Common Sense Media is a great resource for finding lists of high quality documentaries that are appropriate for your children’s ages.

Astronomy Night

Learn about constellations and planets. If you have a telescope, set it up, or use apps to stargaze from inside. Apps like Star Walk Kids can also let you know when there might be exciting celestial events like eclipses to plan your curriculum around.


Getting outside and learning about plants is great for science, physical education, and mental health! Try this Garden Scavenger Hunt free printable from Homeschool of 1, or try doing science experiments involving plants. In our Food Lab theme, learners experimented with corn seeds, seeing how many sprouted using various germination techniques and placements.

Online Activities

Most homeschooling families strive for a balance between old-fashioned pen and paper curriculum, online activities, and outdoor, hands-on education. Although they happen on a screen, online learning experiences can be incredibly interactive, personalized, and enriching.

Since Prisma is an online school, we’ve become experts in the best fun activities available online. Here’s what Prisma learners have loved doing most:

  1. Virtual Museum Tours: Many world-class museums offer free online tours. Our favorites are the Museum of the American Revolution, the Strong National Museum of Play, and the British Museum.
  2. Google Earth’s fantastic online interactives for students to explore geography, culture, and science.
  3. Google Arts and Culture has games, an art search tool, and interactive exhibits from around the world.
  4. Duolingo keeps learners engaged in foreign language study through its expertly gamified experience. They also just added a Duolingo Math app!
  5. Check out PBS Learning Media for videos, lessons, and activities across all subjects and PBS Design Squad Global for design thinking focused activities.
  6. The Kennedy Center’s website provides live performances across art forms and cultures, and cool interactives like video tutorials and read-alongs.
  7. BrainPop (which has both a free and subscription version) has engaging cartoon videos, quizzes, and practice activities across all subjects for younger learners.
  8. TedEd (the education site associated with TedTalks) creates some of the most fascinating educational videos on the internet, from “Is binge watching bad for you?” to “Why does smoke follow you around a fire?” Each video comes with lesson plan ideas and interactive questions.
  9. CrashCourse, the YouTube channel & extended educational universe created by John & Hank Green, offers entertaining, informative videos on every topic under the sun!
  10. iCivics offers fun web-based games that teach important concepts from constitutional rights to creating a budget for spending tax dollars.
  11. MissionUS offers, in my opinion, some of the best educational games ever designed. Learners play as young people living through important historical eras, and deeply inhabit their perspectives. Each game comes with teacher resources as well.
  12. IXL offers traditional multiple choice learning comprehensively covering standards across all subjects and grade levels. We also like their diagnostic tool!
  13. Quill uses research-backed techniques to teach learners grammar and other basic Literacy skills in a bite-sized format.
  14. Prisma learners use Zearn to tackle grade-level math concepts in a fun, gamified way. Older learners might like Brilliant for an innovative platform for STEM learning that encourages higher-order thinking.
  15. Tried and true Cool Math Games site has bite-sized flash games for a variety of concepts.
  16. Prisma learners love learning coding using platforms like Scratch, MakeCode, Twine,, and Code Combat.
  17. Creative homeschoolers love using technology to make cool projects: try Canva for graphic design, TinkerCad and Sketchup for 3D modeling, Soundtrap for music and podcasts, and WeVideo for budding YouTubers.


Community Activities

By integrating these community-based activities into your homeschooling curriculum, learners can have a holistic education, combining academic learning with real-world experiences and essential social skills:

  1. Field Trips to Art Galleries & Museums: Schedule a guided tour at a local art gallery. Many galleries offer educational programs tailored for students to introduce them to various art forms and artists.
  2. Museum Visits: Explore local museums that cater to a wide range of interests, from history and science to niche topics. Participate in workshops or guided tours often offered for student groups.
  3. Attending Shows: Watch a local theater performance, dance show, concert, or a musical. Discuss the themes, history, and production elements afterward. Many theaters offer student discounts, special educational performances, and online educational resources.
  4. Local Fairs: Attend community fairs to learn about local crafts, agriculture, and traditions. This could include science fairs, craft fairs, or county fairs. Even a farmer’s market can be a worthwhile educational trip!
  5. Visits to Historical Landmarks: Explore your local historical landmarks. Learn about their significance, the era in which they were important, and their impact on present-day life. Use this finder that Prisma learners used in our What If? theme. Also check out Atlas Obscura for offbeat places!
  6. Art Classes: Enroll in community art classes. These can range from pottery and painting to digital art or photography.
  7. Music Lessons: Take lessons for a musical instrument at a local music school or from individual tutors.
  8. Performing Arts: Join a community theater group or dance ensemble. It's a great way for homeschoolers to express themselves and make friends!
  9. Electives: Many community centers offer elective courses in diverse fields like pottery, gardening, or even coding. Explore these as potential academic enrichments and socialization opportunities.
  10. Extracurricular Activities: Participate in community service, join clubs like a chess club or robotics team, or start a homeschoolers group to collaborate on community projects.
  11. Gymnastics and Martial Arts: Enroll in local gymnastics or martial arts classes. Not only do they promote physical fitness, but they also teach discipline, respect, and focus.
  12. Socialization Activities: Organize group activities with other homeschoolers, like a picnic, a book club, or team sports, to encourage interaction and teamwork.
  13. Library Visits: Regularly visit your local library. Attend workshops, join reading groups, or simply explore the myriad of resources available.
  14. Local Park Exploration: Organize nature walks, scavenger hunts, or bird watching activities in your local park. Learn about local flora and fauna.
  15. Physical Education: Use community resources like swimming pools, tennis courts, or basketball courts to teach various sports. You can also join local sports leagues or clubs.

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