We’re excited you believe Prisma is right for your child and can't wait to get to know your family!
Please read the following before you apply:
1. Make sure in advance that you will meet Prisma's requirements:
Learner is a rising 4th-10th grader
(Prisma High School offers grades 9-12. We admit learners transferring from another program in grade 10 or below.)
Must be at or above a 4th grade level in Math and Reading
Consistently reliable internet connection
Quiet space to learn with limited distractions
Learner has basic technology skills and a computer (not a tablet) with a webcam and microphone designated for their daytime use
Family is responsible for learner supervision according to the learner's age and level of autonomy
Learner is excited to be an active participant in our camera-on community
2. Depending upon where you live, you may need to register as a homeschooler or fulfill other requirements associated with attending an online private school. More info.
3. We accept applications year-round and enroll learners throughout the year (at the start of each 6-week Cycle). Enrollment is on a space-available basis, so apply now for the best chance of getting a spot in the most ideal cohort for your child!
4. We award Prisma need-based scholarships for the full academic year only, so please apply by March for the best chance to receive a Prisma Scholarship for the following academic year.
5. If you are applying for more than one child, you'll need to submit a separate application for each. You may want to copy some of your answers to save time.
Have questions about our Admissions process? See our Admissions page or book a call with a member of our Admissions team.